The Daring Adventure Series



noun. force, power to overcome, endurance.
“His strength was equal to the challenge.

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Skills of all kinds, dangers of all sorts, and fun in between dangers!

Seventeen-year-old David Curtis flies to East Africa on a summer trip to visit his friends, Mark and Penny Daring. Mark and Penny’s father, Jim, owns a mining firm that has recently discovered a very valuable diamond field. Unfortunately, a gang of former East German secret police agents, led by the villainous Hoffmann, along with local African men, have targeted Mr. Daring’s firm and plan on stealing the mining rights as part of their larger scheme to rob from the Western nations in order to fund further espionage operations against them. Throughout the summer, David and the Darings repeatedly run into these dangerous men — as well as other perilous gangs and troubles

Witnessing their unique skills and abilities, Mr. Daring recognizes that the three friends are a valuable asset to his business enterprises. Therefore he takes the teenage trio with him to various cities across Europe where they are able to use their fluencies in German and French to serve as translators in dealings with banks and business partners. Most importantly, throughout their journeys the three teens are trained to be be honorable, brave, resourceful, respectful of each other and of the various peoples and races in the countries they visit.

1. Ambushed in Africa

No sooner does David arrive in Africa than Mr. Jim Daring spots Hoffmann and Walther, two former agents of the dreaded East German secret police. He has been warned that the diabolic duo are preying on various mining companies, and he makes sure to point them out to the teens. David, Mark and Penny, expecting a peaceful summer, soon plunge into dangers of every kind! The three teens must make us of the varied skills they possess, piloting and martial arts to name a few, in order to overcome ambushes, crocodiles, corporate spies, and, of course, the deadly menace of Hoffmann and his gang who are determined to get the mining rights at any cost.

2. Trapped in Pharaoh’s Tomb

Because of their fluency in a foreign language, the three teens find themselves translating for an Egyptian scholar who is reading the hieroglyphics in a recently discovered ancient tomb of a Pharaoh that undoubtedly contains treasures almost beyond calculation! Unfortunately, Hoffmann and his gang have followed them, and plan to steal the priceless jewels, gold and artifacts in order to finance their espionage activities in the Western nations. Mark, Penny and David find themselves separated in their flight to elude Hoffmann’s gang, all the while struggling to escape the deadly tomb — before it becomes their own!

3. Stalked in the Catacombs

Mr. Daring takes Mark, Penny and David with him to Europe where they serve his firm as translators. In Paris, they are once again followed by Hoffman and his gang, who are plotting an ambush. It all leads to an exciting pursuit through the city’s underground catacombs, where the three teens will have to fight in order to escape.

4. Caught in the Cross Fire

Mr. and Mrs. Daring take Mark, Penny and David to the fabled city of Carcassonne in the south of France. Unbeknownst to the group, someone has planted a stolen document in Penny’s camera case, and Russian spies are eager to retrieve it. After thwarting their first attacks, the Darings and David travel to another beach and stumble into a war between rival drug gangs and into the sights of ex-KGB operatives who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

5. Hot Pursuit on the High Seas

While in Greece with Mr. Daring, Mark, Penny and David are invited to sail on a newly built replica of an ancient Greek warship. Little do they know that priceless treasures have been stolen from the Athenian Museum and planted on this modernized vessel! Discovering the plot, the three teens are plunged into a desperate struggle to escape a pursuing Russian submarine.

6. Hunted Along the Rhine

Mark and Penny Daring and David Curtis arrive in Dusseldorf, Germany expecting to enjoy a peaceful week working for Mr. Daring and to spend time sight-seeing in the lovely city. However, they are suddenly plunged into terrible danger! First, there’s a fight with a gang of vicious neo-Nazi skinheads. Then, a banker who works with Mr. Daring is attacked by a communist crossbowman. The trio helps the banker flee to his speed-boat, but they are pursued and a high-speed chase commences in the dangerous river traffic! How will they ever escape?

7. Launched from the Castle

A pleasant excursion into a medieval castle turns dangerous when the teens discover evidence connected to a monstrous jewel heist from the home of a nearby German multi-millionaire. Taken by their German hosts to visit this wealthy businessman, Mark, Penny and David encounter the thieves, become separated, struggle to escape their captors, and must find a way to foil the thieving gang’s helicopter get-away. How can they succeed?

8. Escape from Black Forest

While traveling in Germany with Mr. Jim Daring, Mark and Penny and their friend, David Curtis, are given an opportunity to visit the historic city of Freiburg, deep in the Black Forest. While here they are drawn into a deadly plot master-minded by their old foe, Hoffmann. It turns out that the devious agent is directing a scheme to buy atomic weapons smuggled out of Russia in order to sell them to Iran. When an Iranian plane lands on a field in the forest to pick up the tactical nukes, the teens are caught in the midst of a desperate fire-fight.

9. Kidnapped in Rome

With Mr. Daring in Rome, the three teens are pursued by a gang fronting for a sophisticated counterfeiting operation. Fighting to escape, they are pursued until they find themselves trapped. Then Mr. Daring and their Italian host are suddenly kidnapped and held for ransom! A daring night-time raid ensues, guaranteeing a wild ride to escape.

10. Lost in the Secret Cave

Off the beautiful coast of Portugal, Mark, Penny and David set out to explore the famous ports where, centuries ago, the Portuguese launched voyages seeking trade routes to Asia. While investigating a cave on the side of a rocky cliff, the three find a hidden treasure from a sunken ship — piles of gold bars! Now the teens find themselves caught in the middle of a smuggling operation, and the enraged criminals wills stop at nothing to protect their stolen fortune.

11. Chased by the Jewel Thieves

A dramatic theft of jewels from an ancient cathedral; a sudden descent to an unexpected hiding place — as a gang of thieves run out of fuel and must hide and wait for replenishment. Visiting a Spanish family, Mark, Penny and David eagerly anticipate a horseback ride on their friend Maria’s parents’ estate. Pursued, they escape, and think themselves safe, but their pleasant ride leads them into the middle of a fight between rival drug gangs.

12. Flight from the Temple

Mark and Penny Daring, with David Curtis, and their new friend Maria, return to the Daring’s home in East Africa. Here they are invited to explore a very ancient, but newly discovered, temple. No sooner do they fly to the site, than danger strikes. Wild pigs, collapsing walls, poisonous reptiles — and Hoffmann! The trio’s old foe and his gang are there for the treasures the temple contains. Perhaps the most dangerous of all the adventures the teens have faced this summer!


noun. Valor, honor, generosity, respect for women, protection of the weak.
“He treats women with chivalry.”