About the Author


noun. an experienced and trusted advisor.
“My high school mentor changed the course of my life with his wise counsel and faithful friendship.”

Peter Reese Doyle was born into a Navy family. His father was an aviator, then carrier captain in World War II, and later, carrier Admiral. When Peter was young his father loved to regale the children with thrilling stories of the Adventures of Elmer the Flying Cadet. In these stories, Cadet Elmer encountered dangers of every sort, and always managed to escape them and surmount all obstacles. Peter grew up with a love of adventure, and a love of story-telling; he too regaled his children, Jonathan and Susan, with tales of adventure as he drove them to school. Over the years Susan begged him to write these stories down “for your future grandchildren.” Finally, he agreed, and began writing a series of adventures in which three modern teenagers encounter dangers of every sort in East Africa, and learn to face them with courage, with skill, and mutual cooperation and trust. So far twelve of these have been published as The Daring Adventure Series, for readers eight years old and up; more books are planned.

Doyle also began a series of books for young readers about the American War for Independence, telling of that war through the eyes of fictional boys and girls who grow up in Williamsburg, Virginia, during those turbulent years. The boys serve as messengers for the Virginia Governor and thus travel to the other colonies and participate in many of the battles; Doyle does serious research in order to tell the history accurately. Doyle plans to follow the course of that War and through this form of historical novel describe great events and battles, and major and minor characters from our nation’s early history. He hopes also to portray the principles for which that war was fought, and the kind of government the thirteen colonies determined to establish, with genuine civil and religious liberties under constitutionally limited government.

Peter Doyle was born in Pensacola, Florida. His father’s naval career took them to different parts of the country, and then to Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Taiwan. He graduated from Washington and Lee University, in Lexington, Virginia, and then trained for the ministry. His first pastorate was in southwestern Virginia, during the years of the Civil Rights movement. His opposition to racial segregation resulted in his being invited to resign that pulpit, and serve the Lord elsewhere!

He met and married Sally Ann Jackson during his seminary training. They had met in Williamsburg, Virginia, as members of a summer play about the American War for Independence. She was a ballet dancer, with a heart set to dance in New York. Doyle, a true Southern Gentleman, knew that he had to save this sweet Southern Maiden from the dangers of that huge Yankee city, so he changed his own plans and persuaded her to marry him instead, to keep her safe. He then took her to West Africa, where they both taught, then to Europe, and then back to the United States. He subsequently served in pastorates, and taught in seminaries.

The Doyles have two children and five grandchildren, and live in  Auburn/Opelika, Alabama. He and his son enjoyed training together in martial arts, and he kept this up in later years. Doyle continues a discipleship ministry with Auburn University students, loves to shoot,  travel, and write adventure stories, and hopes to have many more years to pursue these activities – and maybe others.